
happy halloween

^^ mr & mrs gynecologist ^^
^^ the little things that entertain shane, like the new $100 bill ^^
^^ surgeon - bonnie :) - a ceilings fan - tooth fairy ^^

a bunch of last minute costume decisions for all. we didn't make it to any parties around town so shane & kelli had us all over for dinner, we had a low key night with pizza and dominoes, but she's such a good host! its always a party when we're all together. 
p.s. - i'd be in heaven if i could wear scrubs for the rest of my life. ironing them made me think of my mom; while still living at home we'd often have chats while she ironed her scrubs for the next day. in 4th grade i wrote a letter to my future self to be opened when i graduated high school and it said i wanted to be a nurse (after my mom). So of course, acting the part on halloween got the wheels turning of what i want to be when i grow up. they're always turning. medical for sure, but still unsure.

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